Humility, Persistence, and Faith

Thursday, July 21                  

In a sermon, Tom Thieme spoke about the Canaanite woman who pleaded with Jesus to heal her daughter.  Mt. 15:21-28.  After the woman pleaded for mercy, Jesus said nothing until His disciples wanted to send the woman away.”  Then Jesus said “I was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel (referring to the Jews).  The woman was not to be put off that easily.  She knelt before Jesus and said “Lord, help me.”  Jesus answered “It is not right to take the children’s bread and toss it to their dogs.”  Still persistent, the woman said “Yes, Lord, but even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their master’s table.”   Tom’s comment here is right on.  “Jesus did not commend her for her humility or for her persistence, but for her faith.”  She accepted her role as a “dog”—that’s humility.  And she was obviously persistent.  But it was her faith that caused her to be humble and persistent.  Knowing the heart of the woman, Jesus knew all along what He would do.  The dialogue was no doubt more for the disciples than for the woman.  Besides humility, persistence, and faith, there is another lesson here.  Note that despite Jesus’ negative remarks, the woman never ceased to call Him “Lord.”  No matter the circumstances, no matter how negative things appear to be, He is Lord.  The disciples needed this and would desperately need it later.  And because this dialogue is recorded in Scripture, it is for us, too.  When life seems dark and dreary, He is still Lord.  Our job is simply to submit.  Let Him be Lord.

Thursday, July 21                  Humility, Persistence, and Faith

In a sermon, Tom Thieme spoke about the Canaanite woman who pleaded with Jesus to heal her daughter.  Mt. 15:21-28.  After the woman pleaded for mercy, Jesus said nothing until His disciples wanted to send the woman away.”  Then Jesus said “I was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel (referring to the Jews).  The woman was not to be put off that easily.  She knelt before Jesus and said “Lord, help me.”  Jesus answered “It is not right to take the children’s bread and toss it to their dogs.”  Still persistent, the woman said “Yes, Lord, but even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their master’s table.”   Tom’s comment here is right on.  “Jesus did not commend her for her humility or for her persistence, but for her faith.”  She accepted her role as a “dog”—that’s humility.  And she was obviously persistent.  But it was her faith that caused her to be humble and persistent.  Knowing the heart of the woman, Jesus knew all along what He would do.  The dialogue was no doubt more for the disciples than for the woman.  Besides humility, persistence, and faith, there is another lesson here.  Note that despite Jesus’ negative remarks, the woman never ceased to call Him “Lord.”  No matter the circumstances, no matter how negative things appear to be, He is Lord.  The disciples needed this and would desperately need it later.  And because this dialogue is recorded in Scripture, it is for us, too.  When life seems dark and dreary, He is still Lord.  Our job is simply to submit.  Let Him be Lord.

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